A step-by-step guide to cracking the code to the life of your dreams


 ...Cracking the code to the life of your dreams

But what is it really? And why does it seem so easy for everyone else?

But what is it really? And why does it seem so easy for everyone else?

Foundations of Manifesting will help you see beyond the false reality sold on Instagram and give you the tools you need to start creating REAL change in your life.

Following a real-life manifestation in real-time, you’ll have an up-close look at the entire process, with ALL its ups and downs, plateaus and victories…

With this course...

You’ll gain clarity on what you want to create (if you don't already know what you want) and how to create it.

You’ll learn key terms and topics on how to manifest powerfully.

You’ll discover how to bring your dreams into reality through inspired action.

You’ll understand how to tell the difference between intuition and fear.

You’ll figure out where you've been going wrong, why, and how to turn your bad luck into gold.

You’ll build a toolkit that will carry you into success no matter what you are trying to create.


With this course...

❂ You’ll gain clarity on what you want to create (if you don't already know what you want) and how to create it.

❂ You’ll learn key terms and topics on how to manifest powerfully.

❂ You’ll discover how to bring your dreams into reality through inspired action.

❂ You’ll understand how to tell the difference between intuition and fear.

❂ You’ll figure out where you've been going wrong, why, and how to turn your bad luck into gold.

❂ You’ll build a toolkit that will carry you into success no matter what you are trying to create.


With this course...

𓇻 You’ll gain clarity on what you want to create (if you don't already know what you want) and how to create it.

𓇻 You’ll learn key terms and topics on how to manifest powerfully.

𓇻 You’ll discover how to bring your dreams into reality through inspired action.

𓇻 You’ll understand how to tell the difference between intuition and fear.

𓇻 You’ll figure out where you've been going wrong, why, and how to turn your bad luck into gold.

𓇻 You’ll build a toolkit that will carry you into success no matter what you are trying to create.


With this course...

You’ll gain clarity on what you want to create (if you don't already know what you want) and how to create it.

You’ll learn key terms and topics on how to manifest powerfully.

You’ll discover how to bring your dreams into reality through inspired action.

You’ll understand how to tell the difference between intuition and fear.

You’ll figure out where you've been going wrong, why, and how to turn your bad luck into gold.

You’ll build a toolkit that will carry you into success no matter what you are trying to create.


I had a dream for myself that I wasn't quite sure how to make happen.

But I knew the journey itself would teach others how to create the life of their dreams.

Because I know how to make my dreams come true…

And I saw an opportunity to teach others how to do the same in a unique and powerful way.

I had a dream for myself that I wasn't quite sure how to make happen.

But I knew the journey itself would teach others how to create the life of their dreams.

Because I know how to make my dreams come true…

And I saw an opportunity to teach others how to do the same in a unique and powerful way.

So, I took a leap of faith...

I recorded my process as a series of workshops in 2023, and the end result was so profound that I turned it into the first Pillar of SHIFT 2024, which I am now offering as a standalone course. 

Foundations of Manifesting teaches you how to crack the code to the life of your dreams by opening you up to the entire nitty gritty process of creation, not just the hindsight highlight reel that is served over social media.

You’ll get a real time, real life look at what it takes to create a life that has consistently exceeded my expectations of just how fabulous it can be.

Pick a dream. Any Dream.

Chances are there’s a small (or maybe big) part of you that believes you can’t have it. And that part of you - whether you know it or not - is leading the show. 

Even more problematic, our negative belief system is reinforced by what we see day in and day out on our social media feeds.


How easily things come to you, or how rocky the path forward is.

When designing our dream life, if we want a shot of creating it, we need to work with these beliefs, and learn how to manage them and turn them into something that supports us.

And we need to know how to interpret what we consume from the world outside us in a way that propels us forward, not makes us feel like we’re failing.



Here are the most common blocks I see when people come to me trying to manifest something: 

Not knowing what they want

Not knowing where to start

Their underlying belief system of scarcity or fear

Thinking they don’t measure up, or that things have to look a certain way in order to be good

How to navigate the tests the universe sends their way

A pattern of self-sabotage

Changing their mind and abandoning ship right before it happens

Shutting down when they get what they want


Foundations of Manifesting walks you through the entire manifestation process...

In a series of previously-recorded workshops, I bring you through a vulnerable personal experience of manifesting, and call out the techniques I use to teach you how to do the same for yourself.

Future Self: The Course is a nine-week Course that leads you to your destiny.

How to get started

 How to allow your vision to evolve as it becomes more real

What to do when things go wrong

What to do when things go right

How to stay patient and calm when things get scary

How to expand even more during pivotal moments in the journey

How to receive and manage your dreams when they finally come true

Plus: You’ll understand how to use the tools you learn, not just in theory, but in application 

Future Self: The Course is a nine-week Course that leads you to your destiny.

How to get started

How to allow your vision to evolve as it becomes more real

What to do when things go wrong

What to do when things go right

How to stay patient and calm when things get scary

How to expand even more during pivotal moments in the journey

How to receive and manage your dreams when they finally come true

Plus: You’ll understand how to use the tools you learn, not just in theory, but in application 

From the visioning process, to the earthly actions, to staying grounded and centered throughout the entire (wild) ride, to staying open to receive something that was actually better than what you originally wanted…

How it works

Foundations of Manifesting is a 9-week course that cracks the code and teaches you how to create a life that exceeds your wildest dreams.


Each week, you'll receive a new Module, which includes a Dream Report, a Workshop and a homework assignment.


There will also be three additional Office Hours Workshops released along the way to refine topics discussed in the Workshops.


You will develop (or deepen) your daily meditation practice and be expected to journal at least 3x/week during this course.



Hi! I’m Jamie

Wife. Mama. Energy Mover. Mind Shifter. Manifestation Maven.

I am a teacher, coach, speaker, mind shifter, and energy mover, the founder of Organically Jamie, former owner of Gingersnap’s Organic, and author of “Juice It, Blend It, Live It”.

With a passion for all things manifestation and high vibe, I have helped hundreds of women from all over the world shift their lives from good to great.

I deeply believe that we all have infinite potential for growth and transformation, and I empower everyone who joins me on this journey to create a life that exceeds their wildest dreams.

I have taught for Alo Yoga, Ora Acupuncture, Gabby Bernstein, Melissa Wood Health, Wellness by Kelley, and Robyn Youkilis among many others.

I show you how life gets to feel and be easy when you allow yourself to be guided by the stars and moon.

Get ready to discover a whole new level of clarity and purpose with me by your side!

Working with Jamie, you will tap into her background as a:
Certified Meditation Teacher
Certified in Ericksonian Hypnosis
Reiki Master
Certified Kundalini Teacher
Integrative Life Coach (Center for Integrative Hypnosis)
Breathwork trainer with David Elliot
Human Design Level 1 & 2 with Jenna Zoe
Human Design + Astrology Advanced with Amy Lea
Certified Yoga Alliance Yoga instructor (700 hours)
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) graduate

Katherine F. | Finance

“I began seeing Jamie at a time when I was feeling a bit lost in my career, personal, and spiritual lives. Although I did not initially have a clear understanding of exactly what I wanted to get out of our time together, Jamie brought a fresh perspective to my situation – helping me to uncover the patterns, limiting beliefs, and blocks that were present in my life. 

Jamie is both extremely approachable and easy to connect with, and yet I left each session in awe of her incredible wealth of knowledge and unsure if I had just been in the presence of a guru or my best girlfriend. Together we uncovered past issues, limiting thought patterns, and anxieties that were inhibiting my growth. 

Through a powerful combination of talking, breath work, Reiki, Kundalini, crystals, meditation, journaling – and so much more – Jamie has made a measurable difference in helping me shift my life. "

S.M. | Adolescent Psychotherapist

"There was a feeling I didn’t even know I needed, but it was support. Jamie gave me support that allowed me to feel relief I’ve needed for years, in so many ways. When I felt that support and relief, I felt something in my body shift. It was like, “I’m safe. It’s safe to relax and to breathe.”

Because I wasn’t doing that before. I had all these different practices, but you can only do so much by yourself.

Shift allowed me to relax and accept guidance from a higher source to help me on a deeper level, and that’s what I asked for in the beginning. I asked for a deeper healing. I’m not living in fight or flight anymore.

Once everything started calming down in my body on a cellular level, the floodgates opened up and I started to create all my dreams. All these things I’ve been wanting to create, it just opened up."


Frequently Asked Questions


Nicole Jardim | Women's Health & Functional Nutrition Coach

“Her combination of fierce, practical, and intuitive guidance will leave you feeling inspired to take action in your life! Jamie's wisdom is profound and far beyond her years. We did a session together because I was looking for support with a particular relationship challenge. In the first few minutes, I immediately knew I was in good hands. Jamie asked me questions that no one had ever asked before with regard to my current situation, and she got me thinking about this issue in a completely different way. In fact, I felt like I had a huge breakthrough in just the hour that we spoke!”


Tanya Hayre | Media Consultant and Huffington Post Contributor

"I’m still in awe of the profound impact Jamie has had on me. I love the “new me”- the confidence I feel, the mind-shift and perspective changes on so many beliefs that were holding me back in my life - and I really owe it all to Jamie. 

Thanks to Jamie, I found the power within me through her divine wisdom and her teachings of breath and meditation. At the risk of belaboring my point, I’ll say this: Jamie is an amazing human being and if you are ready for your life to change in truly an “organic” way, she’s the real deal."


Still have questions on the course not answered here?

If you have any questions about the program or need help enrolling, please let us know at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you.